Why Frankincense?

Why Frankincense?

     It has been in the back of my mind to discuss frankincense, an amazing oil which we have been using for over four years now.  I could seriously write a short book on the complexity of this oil.  I often ask myself what is the point of these blogs? What am I...
All You Can Eat!

All You Can Eat!

The phrase “you are what you eat” has been used for years as a tool to help individuals visualize what their food choices can (and will) do to their bodies. As a health practitioner of over 30 years, I can confidently tell you that this phrase is not going...
Winter Wellness

Winter Wellness

Winter Wellness What is the Immune System? The immune system is the body’s defense system. It is designed to protect against threats from outside the body. When functioning normally, the immune system is able to identify, target, and destroy disease-causing pathogens...
Does sleep elude you?

Does sleep elude you?

Did you know that sleep is as important for our overall health as nutrition and exercise? 1 in 3 Americans report not getting the needed seven hours of sleep per night.  There is a high correlation with poor sleep and poor health. What is the impact of poor sleep?...
Can we attain TRUE serenity?

Can we attain TRUE serenity?

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference… This passage though familiar almost immediately dives deep into the soul.  Serenity is meant to be a state of being calm, peaceful...
Looking for a miracle drug?

Looking for a miracle drug?

Exercise Oh my! Not that word! Yes the word that brings for many of us a sense of angst, or possibly even trepidation. Why all the fuss? For me because originally exercise was difficult and painful. I was given a very serious diagnosis many years ago – to the...
What does your urine say about your health?

What does your urine say about your health?

WATER- A basic guide for how much water you need  drink is simple:  divide your weight in half and consume that many ounces of water each day. Water is essential to good health!  Imagine a car without oil!  What would happen?  Chances are it would not run.  This is...