Remove the tick with fine-tipped tweezers by grasping the tick as close to the skin as possible and pulling upward with even, steady pressure. Do not twist or jerk, which may leave the head of the tick in the body. Essential oils should not be used to cause the tick...
The Impact of Smell

The Impact of Smell

When experiencing pure essential oils for the first time I quickly recognized the power behind their smell.  These pure, concentrated properties have the capability of interacting with our olfactory receptors in our nose.  By simply breathing in the aroma of wild...
Manuka Essential Oil

Manuka Essential Oil

Manuka Essential Oil has a rich, spicy, herbaceous fragrance and has been used for centuries in New Zealand for its plethora of health benefits. Think of this oil as Melaleuca on steroids! Manuka Touch has properties that can relieve feelings of stress and promote...
Why Frankincense?

Why Frankincense?

     It has been in the back of my mind to discuss frankincense, an amazing oil which we have been using for over four years now.  I could seriously write a short book on the complexity of this oil.  I often ask myself what is the point of these blogs? What am I...
Winter Wellness

Winter Wellness

Winter Wellness What is the Immune System? The immune system is the body’s defense system. It is designed to protect against threats from outside the body. When functioning normally, the immune system is able to identify, target, and destroy disease-causing pathogens...