Grapefruit Soft Scrub


3/4 cup baking soda
2 TBS castile soap
1 TBS hydrogen peroxide
1 TBS water
10-15 drops Grapefruit essential oil


  • Combine all ingredients carefully as it may foam.
  • Store in a larger container as the scrub may expand over time.
  • Use a glass container as this is a citrus oil.


Deep cleaning the bathroom often means breathing in harsh chemicals while you scrub on your hands and knees. However, using Grapefruit essential oil and other simple ingredients that you likely already have at home, you can transform your bathroom cleaning routine.

This soft scrub bathroom cleanser DIY is particularly helpful for removing stains, soap scum, and brightening the appearance of your toilet and tile. Forget about scrubbing for hours, this mixture only needs to sit for 5-10 minutes before you scrub and then wipe away the grime!